`¤*«مُحمدْ البادِيْ»*-¤
¬°•| غَيثُ مِن الَعطاء ُ|•°¬
Abu Raseil was summoned to inspect a scene of a crime, a difficult and mysterious one. In his record of success, he never been puzzled as he is now. The scene is as following

Revenge was abducted, and found roped into a closed room, where its key was found at a corner inside the room. He was fainted, but his life was not in danger. Inside the room, a table on which a slip of paper bore the following, ‘debt was paid off’
DarkSlashFire was suspected of being behind the abduction of Revenge. Mysteriously, he vanished soon as he heard the police was approaching his house. Special was arrested as she was feared that she was an accomplice of DarkSlashFire , but
later on she was proved innocent and then released as she had an alibi.

Najmi and Wed were reporting the scene to the news, the big questions had remained without answers. Why did DarkSlashFire shut Revenge inside the room which can be locked and unlocked from inside only. How he did manage to get out of the room?
Where are you DarkSlashFire ?
Get here and defend yourself
We all seek truth
Abu Raseil, the poor, is still scratching his head for an answer