زعيم المبدعين

{...السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته..~
||: فيديو لصوت L لما يتكلم على الكمبيوتر ولاكن بصوتي انا ^^:||
وهيه بالأساس رسالة منL الى kira
..وهيه بالأساس رسالة منL الى kira
طبعا أستخدت عدة برامج منها برنامج لتسجيل صوتي بالمايك + برنامج تعديل الصوت غيرت صوتي 120 درجه ليتطابق مع صوت L عندما يتكلم بالكمبيوتر وأستخدمت برنامج السوني فيجاس والمشكله كان خربان كل ماأحط تأثير معين على الفيديو يغلق توماتيكي يعني يستويله crash ×_×
المهم مابطول عليكم ان شاء الله يعجبكم
شاهدوه بجودة 490p
وهذا النص اللي قلته بالفيديو
I had to test this just in case but I... I never thought it would actually happen!
Kira... it seems you can kill people without having to be there in person.
I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't just witnessed it.
Listen to me, Kira.
If you did indeed kill Lind L. Tailor, the man you just saw die on television, I should tell you that he was an inmate...
Who's execution was scheduled for today, that was not me...
The police arrested him in absolute secrecy, so you would not have heard about him on TV OR through the internet.
It appears that even YOU don't have access to information on these types of criminals.
But I assure you that L is real I do exist.
Now, try to kill ME!
What's wrong? Hurry up! Come on, right now, KILL ME!
What's wrong, Kira? Can't you do it? Come on! Try to kill me!
What's the matter? Can't you do it...?
Well Kira... it seems that you can't kill me after all...
So there are some people you can't kill... you've given me a useful hint
im L im justice

التعديل الأخير: