كما وعدتج أختي
هذي اهي الترجمة مالت البرغراف المكتوب بالعربي
إن الكلام اللي كتبته هو كتابة سريعة بدون جرامر ولا وزن ولاشي إلا في بعض الجمل، لكن إن شاء الله أحاول على يوم الخميس القادم ارسلها مع التعديل
وللأمانة ان الكلمات اعجبتني جداً
وان شاء الله حتى في بالي إني أسويها بالصوت مع المؤثرات الخفيفة باللغتين
وان شاء الله قريباً على المنتدى..
وهذي الترجمة
enfant terrible of the children.. A quarter one rial.. But it’s gone
When we were children
And we pass the way with our enfant terrible
And we draw on the walls
With all the pure children’s colors
When we were children
Our life were the best life
Peaceful life with out any illusions
And all our dreams were dreams of [Rosy]
When we were children
We were played every where
Annoying the neighbors
And don’t care, still played and played.. Dancing on our songs
And the importance of them
We were felt life insurance and
[soul comfort]
When we were children
We liked to have fun and a lot of speech
And afraid from the dark
And we interested only with watching [carton] films
When we were children
We were always smiling on the people’s faces
Writing (A, B, C, D, …) in the books
And push stress on us..
For adding to our life an image and reflects
We were covered with emotions and [fun]
When we were children
We were catching a clay
And making shapes
Some were great
And some were stupid
When we were children
We were waiting for news
And our thinking was a far
We start to grow up, our age becomes bigger and bigger
Our identities became [strong]
What happened?
A voice of mail
We have become young
I hope this mail not real
Returning back and becoming children
Playing between trees
And rains falls
What loses
Every things has gone
And we become young
Our life had overshadowed by illusions and terrible
And we have become a writers of poems
And getting zeroes in our tests
Groans, tears and requesting forgiveness
And if we compare
Our childhood with our today life
We find that it doesn’t equal to
A quarter of one rial
And, at the end
I hope return back and become children
أتمنى إني أكون قد قدمت لج المطلوب
تحياتي الحارة