|Confessional Chair|

سيادة الوزير

¬°•| عضو شرف |•°¬
15 يوليو 2010
ارض الله الواسعة

Minister! Once you mentioned that you did not like co-education'; boys and girls at the same classroom. The policy of the State in some places is to set up co-educational schools. Sarcastically, there are voices in the West calling to abolish the co-education system. How do you perceive the matter? Why do you think some officials in our country forcefully advocate such system

My second question is: As a conservative Muslim, what is your actual role in reality? Do you take part in daily affairs of the society? Is your voice a loud and appreciated in the family; tribe, village

Sorry I have bothered you with my questions, but I consider you differently

Have a pleasant staying

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

اللهم صل على محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين ...

at the first I'm strongly against co-education ...

for one reason ...

and I think a lot of people with me ...

our Gad say in Holy Quran ...

{ وإذا سألتموهن متاعاً فاسألوهن من وراء حجاب ذلكم أطهر لقلوبكم وقلوبهن }

that ... If you wont to ask any woman ...

what about sitting a long time men and women together as co-education???

I sure that is clear like the sun ...

and the west just knew co-education,s dangers ...

and they looked its Results ...

and about tragedy ...

Why do you think some officials in our country forcefully advocate such system ???

the answer is very easy ...

They advocate to secularism...

I hope I answered very well ...
التعديل الأخير:


¬°•| عضو فعّال |•°¬
4 فبراير 2012
najmi galaxy

I have a comment for you Minister
As you know and everyone also that we have also a Co-working environment
which is kind of the SaMe as co-education. So if we to stop the "co-education" issue we should also stop the so called "co-WORKING"
and don't say this is different than that for both involve a male+female mixing and as every body knows that in some jobs we need to have this kind of co- environment.
So, are you with or against such concepts of co- environments?

سيادة الوزير

¬°•| عضو شرف |•°¬
15 يوليو 2010
ارض الله الواسعة
At the first ...

welcome my bro Najmi

I'm happy to see you here


let me see to your question

onion head2

I think that no different between co-education and Co-working

because all of them has mixing between men and women

so they are same

and about this point
(( in some jobs we need to have this kind of co- environment ))

yah exactly

but we have a thing called

(( Technology Of Communication ))

I think my answer is clear


سيادة الوزير

¬°•| عضو شرف |•°¬
15 يوليو 2010
ارض الله الواسعة

سيادة الوزير

¬°•| عضو شرف |•°¬
15 يوليو 2010
ارض الله الواسعة
onion head2(( Technology Of Communication ))
I'm not convinced by your answer


that is great ...

but I don't know ...

why you are not convinced ???

Can you tell me why ???

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