بسرعه اريد مساعدة لهذا المشروع

مغلق و غير مفتوح للمزيد من الردود.

جروحي كبريائي

¬°•| عضو مبتدى |•°¬
20 يوليو 2011
Project Requirements:

This project will enable the students to apply all materials and techniques of using Microsoft Office Excel and Microsoft Office PowerPoint. In addition, the students will apply all topics studied in Living Online. All students are required to follow the following instructions:

A: Using Microsoft Office Excel
1- Create a new Microsoft Office Excel file. In this file:
A) List the items which you bought while going to do shopping.
B) Create an electronic invoice bill as illustrated below. This electronic invoice bill should contain formulas and functions.

B: Living Online (Networks and Internet)

1- Create a report by using Microsoft Office Word that shows a network of your home. This report should include:

- Explanation of network types that are used by your home.
- A diagram shows how this network is set up and distributed over your home’s departments.
- Types of cables, hubs, switches, routers and Network Interface Card that are used in your home network.
- What types of network security options are used to protect this network?
- De......ion of how this network affects you and your family positively.
- Are there any negative effects of the network for you and your family? Explain!

2- Answer the following questions by providing snapshots:

- How can you know the speed of your internet connection?
- How can you add this ...site to your favorites list in a new folder?
- How can you set up this ...site as your homepage?

C: Using Microsoft Office PowerPoint

1- Create a presentation which summarizes the important points in questions (A) and (B). You must follow the following instructions:

- The number of slides must not less be than 6 slides
- You must add animations and slides transitions
- You must insert header and footer for the slides
- The .......s of the presentation should cover:
 Introduction
 How did you solve part (A) and (B)
 Summary of part (A) and (B)
 What did you learn from this project
 What did you learn from working as a team
 Recommendations
 Limitations and difficulties
 Conclusion

D: Submission

Send your Excel file, Word file and Presentation to the instructor email:
- Make sure that three files are thatched in your message.
- The message subject should be ( My Project)
- The body should be (The attached files are my part2 project) with times new font type and 14 font size.

awad baloosh

¬°•| بلوش صح الصح |•°¬
14 أغسطس 2011
بصراحه مشروع كبير

يحتاجله مجهووووووووود

وانا جاهز فاي خدمه

تقبلوووووووووووو مروري​


¬°•| حكاية تميز |•°¬
7 نوفمبر 2010
جروحي كبريائي
الله يوفقج إن شاءالله


¬°•| عضو شرف |•°¬
4 ديسمبر 2009
جروحي كبريائي .... انت وين وصلتي ونحن بنساعدك فالك الطيب.
مغلق و غير مفتوح للمزيد من الردود.