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.| البُرِيِمِي العَـامِـهْ|.
مركز البُريمِي للأخبَار المَحَلية و العَالميةّ
الاكاديمية الاسترالية وكلية البريمي*
تم تعطيل الجافا سكربت. للحصول على تجربة أفضل، الرجاء تمكين الجافا سكربت في المتصفح الخاص بك قبل المتابعة.
أنت تستخدم أحد المتصفحات القديمة. قد لا يتم عرض هذا الموقع أو المواقع الأخرى بشكل صحيح.
يجب عليك ترقية متصفحك أو استخدام
أحد المتصفحات البديلة
الرد على الموضوع
<blockquote data-quote="&amp;ولد البريمي&amp;" data-source="post: 596853" data-attributes="member: 4103"><p>على حسب ما افاادت جريدة استراليا تايمز :</p><p></p><p>Oman university gets Austrian know how</p><p>An Austrian is to head a new university in Oman.</p><p></p><p>Johann Günther will become headmaster of the University of Buraimi which opens next month, it was announced today (Mon).</p><p></p><p>The institute will start with a "test year" offering courses to around 300 students in October before around 10,000 people can sign up for lectures from autumn 2011.</p><p></p><p>An overall 40 million Euros have been invested in the university located in the northern oasis town of Buraimi.</p><p></p><p>Local decision-makers announced that Austria’s Krems college has provided infrastructure know how and curricula.</p><p></p><p>Vienna University and the Austrian capital’s University of Technology also participated in supporting the creation of the new institute in the Arab state.</p><p></p><p>هذا رابط الموضوع المنقوول منه :</p><p></p><p><a href="http://ibri.hooxs.com/montada-f28/topic-t9982.htm#221059">http://ibri.hooxs.com/montada-f28/topic-t9982.htm#221059</a></p></blockquote><p></p>
[QUOTE="&ولد البريمي&, post: 596853, member: 4103"] على حسب ما افاادت جريدة استراليا تايمز : Oman university gets Austrian know how An Austrian is to head a new university in Oman. Johann Günther will become headmaster of the University of Buraimi which opens next month, it was announced today (Mon). The institute will start with a "test year" offering courses to around 300 students in October before around 10,000 people can sign up for lectures from autumn 2011. An overall 40 million Euros have been invested in the university located in the northern oasis town of Buraimi. Local decision-makers announced that Austria’s Krems college has provided infrastructure know how and curricula. Vienna University and the Austrian capital’s University of Technology also participated in supporting the creation of the new institute in the Arab state. هذا رابط الموضوع المنقوول منه : [url]http://ibri.hooxs.com/montada-f28/topic-t9982.htm#221059[/url] [/QUOTE]
.| البُرِيِمِي العَـامِـهْ|.
مركز البُريمِي للأخبَار المَحَلية و العَالميةّ
الاكاديمية الاسترالية وكلية البريمي*