افضل قصه في العالم


7 أبريل 2010
استاهل تقيم

في مكان ما في فرنسا قبل ما
يقارب الخمسين عاماً كان هناك شيخ -‏بمعنى كبير
السن- ‏تركي عمره خمسون
عاماً اسمه إبراهيم ويعمل في محل لبيع الأغذية . ..‏هذا
المحل يقع في
عمارة تسكن في أحد شققها عائلة يهودية، ولهذه العائلة اليهودية
اسمه (جاد)، له من العمر سبعة أعوام ..
اليهودي جاد . .

اعتاد الطفل جاد ‏أن يأتي
لمحل العم إبراهيم يومياً لشراء احتياجات المنزل، وكان
في كل مرة وعند
خروجه يستغفل العم إبراهيم ويسرق قطعة شوكولاته ...‏في يوم ما،
نسي جاد
‏أن يسرق قطعة شوكولاتة عند خروجه فنادى عليه العم إبراهيم وأخبره بأنه
أن يأخذ قطعة الشوكولاتة التي يأخذها يومياً ! ‏أصيب جاد ‏بالرعب لأنه كان

يظن بأن العم إبراهيم لا يعلم عن سرقته شيئاً وأخذ يناشد العم بأن
يسامحه وأخذ
يعده بأن لا يسرق قطعة شوكولاته مرة أخرى ...

‏فقال له العم إبراهيم :"
‏لا ،
تعدني بأن لا تسرق أي شيء في حياتك ، وكل يوم وعند خروجك خذ قطعة
فهي لك" ... ‏فوافق جاد ‏بفرح .....‏مرت السنوات وأصبح
العم إبراهيم بمثابة الأب
والصديق والأم لـجاد، ذلك الولد اليهودي ...

كان جاد ‏إذا تضايق من أمر
أو واجه مشكلة يأتي للعم إبراهيم ويعرض له المشكة
وعندما ينتهي يُخرج العم إبراهيم
كتاب من درج في المحل ويعطيه جاد ‏ويطلب منه أن
يفتح صفحة عشوائية من
هذا الكتاب وبعد أن يفتح جاد ‏الصفحة يقوم العم إبراهيم
الصفحتين التي تظهر وبعد ذلك يُغلق الكتاب ويحل المشكلة ويخرج جاد ‏وقد
همه وهدأ باله وحُلّت مشكلته ..

السنوات وهذا هو حال جاد ‏مع العم
إبراهيم، التركي المسلم كبير السن
غير المتعلم !‏وبعد سبعة عشر عاماً أصبح
جاد ‏شاباً في الرابعة
والعشرين من عمره وأصبح العم إبراهيم في السابعة والستين
من عمره

العم إبراهيم وقبل وفاته ترك صندوقاً لأبنائه ووضع بداخله
الكتاب الذي
كان جاد ‏يراه كلما زاره في المحل ووصى أبناءه بأن يعطوه جاد ‏بعد
كهدية منه لـ جاد ‏، الشاب اليهودي ! ‏علم جاد ‏بوفاة العم إبراهيم عندما
أبناء العم إبراهيم بإيصال الصندوق له وحزن حزناً شديداً وهام على وجهه
كان العم إبراهيم هو الأنيس له والمجير له من لهيب المشاكل .. !

الأيام . .

في يوم ما حصلت مشكلة لـ جاد ‏فتذكر العم إبراهيم
ومعه تذكر الصندوق الذي تركه
له، فعاد للصندوق وفتحه وإذا به يجد
الكتاب الذي كان يفتحه في كل مرة يزور
العم في محله !‏فتح جاد ‏صفحة في
الكتاب ولكن الكتاب مكتوب باللغة العربية وهو
لا يعرفها ، فذهب لزميل
تونسي له وطلب منه أن يقرأ صفحتين من هذا الكتاب ،
فقرأها ! ‏وبعد أن
شرح جاد ‏مشكلته لزميله التونسي أوجد هذا التونسي الحل لـ
جاد ‏وسأله : ‏ما هذا الكتاب ؟
فقال له التونسي : ‏هذا هو القرآن
الكريم ، كتاب المسلمين !‏فرد جاد ‏وكيف أصبح
مسلماً ؟
التونسي : ‏أن تنطق الشهادة وتتبع الشريعة
فقال ‏جاد : ‏أشهد ألا إله
إلا الله وأن محمداً رسول الله

جاد الله ..

أسلم جاد واختار له اسماً هو "‏جاد الله القرآني"
‏وقد اختاره تعظيماً لهذا الكتاب
المبهر وقرر أن يسخر ما بقي له في
هذه الحياة في خدمة هذا الكتاب الكريم
... ‏تعلم ‏جاد الله ‏القرآن
وفهمه وبدأ يدعو إلى الله في أوروبا حتى أسلم على
يده خلق كثير وصلوا
لستة آلاف يهودي ونصراني .. ‏في يوم ما وبينما هو يقلب في
القديمة فتح القرآن الذي أهداه له العم إبراهيم وإذا هو يجد بداخله في
خريطة العالم وعلى قارة أفريقيا توقيع العم إبراهيم وفي الأسفل قد
الآية : "‏أدع إلى سبيل ربك بالحكمة والموعظة الحسنة" ! ‏فتنبه ‏جاد
‏وأيقن بأن هذه وصية من العم إبراهيم له وقرر تنفيذها ...‏ترك أوروبا وذهب

يدعوا لله في كينيا وجنوب السودان وأوغندا والدول المجاورة
لها ، وأسلم على
يده من قبائل الزولو وحدها أكثر من ستة ملايين إنسان


( ‏جاد الله القرآني ‏، هذا المسلم الحق، الداعية الملهم،
قضى في الإسلام 30 ‏سنة
سخرها جميعها في الدعوة لله في مجاهل أفريقيا
وأسلم على يده الملايين من البشر
... ‏توفي ‏جاد الله القرآني ‏في عام
2003‏م بسبب الأمراض التي أصابته في أفريقيا
في سبيل الدعوة لله ..
‏كان وقتها يبلغ من العمر أربعة وخمسين عاماً قضاها في
رحاب الدعوة ..
لم تنته بعد . . !

أمه ، اليهودية المتعصبة والمعلمة الجامعية
والتربوية ، أسلمت في العام الماضي
فقط ، أسلمت عام 2005‏م بعد سنتين
من وفاة إبنها الداعية ..‏أسلمت وعمرها سبعون
عاماً ، وتقول أنها أمضت
الثلاثين سنة التي كان فيها إبنها مسلماً تحارب من أجل
إعادته للديانة
اليهودية ، وأنها بخبرتها وتعليمها وقدرتها على الإقناع لم
تستطع أن
تقنع ابنها بالعودة بينما استطاع العم إبراهيم، ذلك المسلم الغير
كبير السن أن يعلق قلب ابنها بالإسلام ! ‏وإن هذا لهو الدين الصحيح
. ‏أسأل الله أن يحفظها ويثبتها على الخير . .

ولكن، لماذا
أسلم ؟

يقول جاد الله
القرآني ، أن العم إبراهيم ولمدة سبعة عشر عاماً لم يقل "‏يا
كافر" ‏أو
"‏يا يهودي" ‏، ولم يقل له حتى "‏أسلِم" ... !‏تخيل خلال سبعة عشر ع اما
يحدثه عن الدين أبداً ولا عن الإسلام ولا عن اليهودية ! ‏شيخ كبير
غير متعلم عرف
كيف يجعل قلب هذا الطفل يتعلق بالقرآن !

الشيخ عندما التقاه في أحد اللقاءات عن شعوره وقد أسلم على يده ملايين
فرد بأنه لا يشعر بفضل أو فخر لأنه بحسب قوله رحمه الله يرد جزءاً من
العم إبراهيم !

يقول الدكتور صفوت حجازي بأنه وخلال مؤتمر في
لندن يبحث في موضوع دارفور
وكيفية دعم المسلمين المحتاجين هناك من خطر
التنصير والحرب، قابل أحد شيوخ
قبيلة الزولو والذي يسكن في منطقة
دارفور وخلال الحديث سأله الدكتور حجازي: ‏هل
تعرف الدكتور جادالله
القرآني ؟
.. ‏وعندها وقف شيخ القبيلة وسأل الدكتور حجازي : ‏وهل تعرفه
أنت ؟
.. ‏فأجاب الدكتور حجازي: ‏نعم وقابلته في سويسرا عندما كان
يتعالج هناك . .
.. ‏فهم شيخ القبيلة على يد الدكتور حجازي يقبلها
بحرارة، فقال له الدكتور
حجازي: ‏ماذا تفعل ؟ لم أعمل شيئاً يستحق هذا !

.. ‏فرد شيخ القبيلة: ‏أنا لا أقبل يدك، بل أقبل يداً صافحت الدكتور
جاد الله
القرآني !
.. ‏فسأله الدكتور حجازي: ‏هل أسلمت على يد
الدكتور جاد الله ؟
.. ‏فرد شيخ القبيلة: ‏لا ، بل أسلمت على يد رجل
أسلم على يد الدكتور جاد الله
القرآني رحمه الله !!

الله، كم يا ترى سيسلم على يد من أسلموا على يد جاد الله القرآني
له ومن تسبب بعد الله في إسلامه، العم إبراهيم المتوفى منذ أكثر من
30 ‏سنة

رحم الله
العم إبراهيم و جاد الله القرآني

طبعاً السينما
الفرنسيه .. اخرجوا فلم عن العم ابراهيم و جاد لله القرأني ..
فلم جداً
جميل .. وحائز على جوائز كثيره .. وبدون اي حذف او اضافه ف ي القصه ..
والفلم متوفر الاَن على
الدي في دي في الاسواق الاروبيه .. ومتوفر في اسواق
بعض الدول العربيه

ارجو ان تعجبكم

اذا اعجبتك القصة

شووق قطر

¬°•| مراقبة عامة سابقة وصاحبة العطاء المميز |•°¬
29 سبتمبر 2009
مشكووووووووووور والله يعطيك الف عآفية


¬°•| عضو جديد |•°¬
26 أغسطس 2010
Cardinals line quietly winning praise
TEMPE, Ariz.2008 mark sanchez went into jump perform after the 2008 time of the year as the front-runner to conquer the beginning quarterback place, but faced powerful affray from arkansas-transfer and previous razorback starter mitch mustain and redshirt freshman aaron corp; mustain, like sanchez a year previous,DALLAS CLARK jersey, was the peak quarterback in the territory approaching out of high school in 2006. (AP) -- When the Arizona Cardinals struggled to run the ball this season, the offensive line drew much of the blame.2008 in the 2008 preseason game clowney directed all receivers with four receptions for 163 backyards and two touchdowns.Now that the Cardinals are one win away from their first Super Bowl, it only seems fair to give the line credit for keeping oft-injured quarterback Kurt Warner in one piece.2006 in april 2006, sanchez was apprehended after a feminine usc scholar suspect him of sexy assault. With time to throw the ball, Warner has put together one of the best seasons in his stellar career.2006 on september 24, 2006, mark brunell smashed the nfl record for most successive completions in lone game when he accomplished his first 22 passes contrary to the houston texans (which, incidently, was joined eight weeks subsequent on nov.
"We've been protecting Kurt all year, we've obviously put up (offensive) numbers, and we take big pride in that," guard Reggie Wells said after practice Friday.2008 season in late february, the jets swapped mlb jonathan vilma to the new orleans saints, and david harris was entitled the starter at inside linebacker for the 2008 season. "We're obviously no stranger to negativity around here, but that's just the way it is around here.2008 season as the beginning cornerback for the jets in his second time of the year,darrelle revis established himself as an all-pro cornerback after being joined for second amidst interception managers through week 15 of the 2008 nfl time of the year with five picks. This group has never really bought into all that.2008 on march 3, 2008, pace and the new york jets came to periods on a six-year, $42 million deal that encompasses $22 million in assured money. We know what kind of talent we have and what kind of group we have.2008 season mike devito glimpsed considerable more playing time seeming in all 16 sport and notes not less than one undertake in 14 games. We've been consistent all year.2009 nfl season sione went into the 2009 time of the year a back up defensive tackle."
The line has helped the Cardinals shift from a pass-first offense to a more balanced attack in playoff wins over Atlanta and Carolina, which doubled the franchise's postseason victory total.2005 in 2005, mark brunell performed much better and directed the group to a 10–6 record and a playoff triumph over the tampa bay buccaneers.
It helps that the same five players -- left tackle Mike Gandy, left guard Wells, center Lyle Sendlein, right guard Deuce Lutui and right tackle Levi Brown -- have started all 18 games in the regular season and playoffs. bo bo smith what they're saying: showing a lot of natural skill and giving effort on the field,bo smith is an aggressive cornerback with good upside.
But the line mostly remains anonymous on an explosive offense that's sending Warner and receivers Anquan Boldin and Larry Fitzgerald to the Pro Bowl.0 1,609 7 4 professional career nfl draft following his older time of the year, mark mark brunell was chosen by the green bay packers in the 5th around of the 1993 nfl draft. Its biggest name is Brown, mostly known for being drafted two slots ahead of running back Adrian Peterson in 2007.”warren aggravated an ankle junction wound soon before the nfl combine, where he laboured in place drills and ran the 40-yard dash in 4.
Offensive line coach Russ Grimm often tells his players they shouldn't pay too much attention to criticism from the media and fans, because those critics generally won't give them credit when they do their jobs.2004 chauncey washington was directed academically ineligible for the 2004 time of the year and was redshirted.
"I tell them all the time, if you pick the paper up on Monday morning and Kurt throws for 300 (yards) or Edge (Edgerrin James) rushes for a hundred and we win, that's all you're going to get," said Grimm, selected to the NFL's All-Decade team of the 1980s.2 grading in the coaches poll and no. "If it's a bad game, it's, 'We didn't block on the run, we got sacked too many times.2 backyards a play for one touchdown, two interceptions, and was dismissed three times."'
Criticism of the line mounted as the Cardinals stumbled after clinching their first division title in 33 seasons.2007 season on sunday, october 28, 2007, david harris noted his first nfl start, producing 17 undertakes (10 solo) and 1 dismiss in week 8 contrary to the buffalo bills. No one took more heat than the 6-foot-5, 322-pound Brown, who received a guaranteed $18 million in his first contract.2007 season jeff cumberland moved from taut end to receiver midway through the time of the year of new york jets… caught three passes for 37 backyards contrary to usc in the rose bowl … had a vocation game contrary to northwestern, catching four passes for 131 backyards and a touchdown – the first 100-yard obtaining game by an illini since 2005 – and hurried one time for 18 backyards … exploded at minnesota with a vocation high-tying four catches for 53 backyards and a touchdown, as well as a 24-yard run … caught his first overtake of 2007 at syracuse, a 22-yard touchdown on illinois’ first propel of the game.
Brown shrugged off a question about whether his high draft status created unrealistic expectations.martin tevaseu height:6-2 weight:325 age:22 college:nevada-las vegas experience:r team:new york jets martin tevaseu (dt/6-1/310/nevada-las vegas/boonville, ca) was before marked as an undrafted free agency by the cleveland browns on may 17, 2010, and was issued on june 15.
"I don't really focus on all that," said Brown, a Penn State product.16 backyards per rec. "I'm here with the Arizona Cardinals, and they brought me here to win, and as you can tell,Doug Williams jersey, that's what we're doing.15 seconds vertical jump = 32. So I'm just going to continue what I'm doing and make my progression as I make it.19, 2006 by david carr of the houston texans)."
The same can be said for the entire line.” at the 2008 nfl combine, o'connell ran the 40-yard dash in 4. And the numbers point to a startling progression in the postseason.,PHILIP RIVERS jersey, where he teamed with erron kinney and assisted the patrick henry patriots to the 1994 state football championship.
The pass-happy Cardinals gave up 28 sacks during the regular season, but only one in two playoff games.,Paul Krause jersey, the family dwelled in daleville, alabama, where tony excelled as a three-sport letterman in football, basketball, and pathway & field.
Warner praised his blockers for helping him solve his chronic fumbling problem.0 dismisses, three broken-up passes, and three compelled fumbles.
"I give a lot of credit to the offensive line protecting me, giving me opportunities to throw the ball," Warner said.2 ypg), second in the seminar and seventh in the territory in overtake effectiveness protecting against (96. "I think one thing you realize is the more you get hit, the more opportunities you have to fumble the ball.2 yards-per-reception."
The Cardinals rushed for 73.2007 mark brunell underwent surgery on january 8, 2007,Bart Starr jersey, to fix a impaired labrum in his throwing shoulder, but returned in time for teaching camp.6 yards per game during the regular season, last in the NFL.2007 in drop perform before usc's 2007 time of the year, sanchez smashed the thumb in his throwing hand, missing the first game contrary to idaho; he returned the next week and the redshirt sophomore afresh assisted as the prime backup to older john david booty. They've averaged 115.2007 david clowney was marked by the new york jets on october 3,Pat White jersey, 2007.5 yards in the postseason.2007 nfl draft darrelle revis broadcast he would decline his older year at pittsburgh to go in the 2007 nfl draft; he was advised one of the peak 3 cornerbacks available—along with leon hall of michigan and aaron ross of texas—,Eric Berry Jersey,and was one of the 30 to be drafted.
In both those games, the line seemed to take control of the game., has been chosen to five pro bowls and has been an all-pro six times. Wells said the line has benefited as the Cardinals have balanced their attack.) with 23 tds while catching 13 passes for 200 backyards (15.
"We've had a pretty solid offense, but there was a point where we maybe were having too many passes called," Wells said.) with 2 tds in 2002 regardless of missing 5 sport with a knee injury. "It's good to be able to control some clock. he subsequent tweeted it was time to wake n bake," a quotation to marijuana. We knew we could do it.(* comprises nfl combine) carolina panthers kris jenkins completed the 2002 time of the year with 60 undertakes and 7 dismisses, en path to an alternate look on the nfc's pro bowl group, where he restored an hurt warren sapp. It was just a matter of getting those runs called, and we've been doing it.' he has abounding of arm."
They'll try to do the same against Philadelphia in the NFC championship Sunday.12, following the jets' bye on oct. But it figures to be a challenge,Gerald McCoy jersey, because the Eagles' defense dominated in a 48-20 rout of the Cardinals on Thanksgiving night in Philadelphia, and it has been sensational in two playoff wins.1 rtg), eighth in the homeland in tallying protecting against (16.
The Cardinals rushed for 25 yards on 10 carries, although they mostly abandoned the run after falling behind by three touchdowns midway through the second quarter.0 1,Brandon Graham Jersey,895 16 9 1992 127 219 58. The Eagles sacked Warner once and intercepted him three times.0 backyards per punt).
Philadelphia likes to blitz, and the Cardinals expect to face some schemes they didn't see in the first meeting.2006 season jeff cumberland earned honorable mention freshman all-america respects by the sporting news … played in all 11 sport, beginning five at taut end … finished the time of the year with 16 catches,LARON LANDRY jersey, joined for the second most on the group … led group with two receptions for 31 backyards vs.
"They bring it all game," Wells said.0 dismisses, two compelled fumbles,Kevin Greene jersey, and one fumble recovery. "They bring a lot of different blitz packages, obviously.1 backyards per game (second best in conference usa) and had five 100-yard obtaining sport, which was the most in a lone time of the year at ecu. They're just a group who has a high motor across the board.0 undertakes for decrease, 6. Generally, you don't see that.1 choose on attack undertake d'brickashaw ferguson in an effort to rebuild their attack line."
Copyright 2009 Associated Press.2 in the coaches poll and no. All rights reserved.2 or 3 receiver who can impact a game by moving the chains or getting deep on an opponent's nickelback. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten,Troy Aikman jersey, or redistributed.2 million agreement with the new york jets on march 14, 2010.
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