Characteristic of a good test

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a picky girl

¬°•| مُشرِِفَة سابقة |•°¬
31 يناير 2010
Among Stars
Characteristics of a good test
A good test should possess the following qualities:

A valid test measures what it ought to be testing. For example, a test is designed to measure control of grammar becomes invalid if it contains difficult vocabulary.

A test should provide consistency in measuring the items being evaluated. In other words, if the same test is given twice to the same pupils, it should produce almost the same results.

A practical test is easy to administer and to score without wasting too much time or effort.

A good test should be comprehensive, covering all the items which have been studied. This enables teachers to know accurately the extent of the pupils' knowledge.

The items of an effective test should measure reasonably well the desired objectives or achievement.

A practical test evaluates both linguistic and communicative competence. That is, the items of the test must reflect the pupils' real command of the language with regard to appropriateness and accuracy.

An efficient test makes best use of the teacher's limited time for preparing and grading, and of the pupil's assigned time for answering all the items. Thus oral exams with classes of thirty or more pupils are not economical since they require too much time and effort.

The language of a test should reflect everyday discourse.

The test questions should be appropriate in difficulty, neither too hard nor too easy. Moreover, the questions should be progressive in difficulty in order to reduce stress and tension.

. It is essential that all questions and instructions should be clear so as to enable pupils to know exactly what the examiner wants them to do.

The questions and answers should be clear and definite so that the marker would give the score a pupil deserves


A good test is one that is appropriate in length for the allotted time

Useful Ways of Testing

One of the most important qualities of a good English language exam is variation in the way of testing. Here are some different ways for examining grammar, vocabulary, comprehension and composition. So, not on any account should a teacher stick to just one or two ways of testing. The following is just exemplary of how things are expected to go on, but of course your exam must not go outside the framework of the structures and vocabulary that have been taught to your students.


To help weak students improve their performance and overcome certain problems, a teacher has to study their points of weakness and try to solve them through what is called "remedial exercises" inside and outside the class. These exercises should go on and on until you achieve the desired result.

1 -Common points of weakness should be dealt with collectively inside the class.

2-Students who are weak in reading should be given short sentences, then a short paragraph, and then a longer one to be read with the teacher's help inside the school and to be practised at home several times. Later on they will be examined and encouraged by getting higher marks.

3-Students who are weak in vocabulary can be assigned from 10 to 20 words to learn by heart at home and be examined at school by the teacher. Getting higher marks should encourage them.

4-Students who are weak in handwriting can be given a certain paragraph to copy at home and are advised to take special care of the correct position; shape of each letter and spacing
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