¬°•| عضــو شرف |•°¬
قامت شركة تاتا الهندية بتدشين أحدث سياراتها نانو وبذلك أوفت الشركة بوعدها بتصنيع أرخص سيارة في العالم ، وتتميز هذه السيارة التي تسع لخمسة ركاب بمحرك 625 سي سي ويصدر قوة 30 حصان ، وناقل حركة يدوي بأربع سرعات .
وسلندرين فقط ..
الجدير بالذكر أن سعر هذه السيارة 2000 دولار أمريكي ، وتؤكد الشركة بأن مواصفات الآمان في السيارة تتطابق مع المعايير الدولية .
مواصفات السياره ..
nano car has a rear wheel drive, all aluminium, 2 cylinder, 623 cc, 33 PS, multi point fuel injection petrol engine. This is the first time that a two-cylinder gasoline engine is being used in a car with single balancer shaft. The lean design strategy has helped minimise weight, which helps maximise performance per unit of energy consumed and delivers high fuel efficiency. Performance is controlled by a specially designed electronic engine management system.
safety performance exceeds current regulatory requirements. With an all sheet-....l body, it has a strong passenger compartment, with safety features such as crumple zones, intrusion-resistant doors, seat belts, strong seats and anchorages, and the rear tailgate glass bonded to the body. Tubeless tyres further enhance safety.
tailpipe emission performance exceeds regulatory requirements. In terms of overall pollutants, it has a lower pollution level than two-wheelers being manufactured in India today. The high fuel efficiency also ensures that the car has low carbon dioxide emissions, thereby providing the twin benefits of an affordable transportation solution with a low carbon footprint.