|| Thirst ||

`¤*«مُحمدْ البادِيْ»*-¤

¬°•| غَيثُ مِن الَعطاء ُ|•°¬
22 أكتوبر 2011
إنْ وابلاً، فَطَلْ

By: Annemarie Schimmel

"Make thirsty me, O friend, give me no water!
Let me so love that sleep flees from my door!"
Yes, sleep flees, if he sees the burning eyelids,
He would be drowned if he would cross the sea
of tears; he would be poisoned
if he should dare to drink
That potent wine which you
Poured in the gobler of my eyes:
Those eyes which once beheld your radians face
And try to mirror it on every tear...
...Those eyes which are a veil.

Make me more thirsty, friend, give me no water-
My thirst is proof that you are thirsty, too...

`¤*«مُحمدْ البادِيْ»*-¤

¬°•| غَيثُ مِن الَعطاء ُ|•°¬
22 أكتوبر 2011
إنْ وابلاً، فَطَلْ
أن ماري شيمل مستشرقة ألمانية ولدت سنة 1922، وتوفيت سنة 2003. حاضرت في جامعة هارفارد خبيرة يشار لها بالبنان في الصوفية والأشعار الكلاسيكية الإسلامية والأدب الهندي والباكستاني وخط اليد. بلغت أعمالها في التأليف والترجمة 105 كتب ومؤلفات وتراجم لم تكن أعمالها المدهشة نتيجة كم معرفي هائل بالعربية والفارسية والتركية ولكن أيضا في اللغة الأردية والبشتو والسندية. كانت تتقن السويدية والتشيكوسولوفاكية واللاتينية والفرنسية والإيطالية والإنجليزية. ترعرعت في بيت مفعم بالحرية الدينية وتذوق الشعر. ولعلها كانت تحس أين مهوى فؤادها فقد كتبت مرة

It was absolutely clear to me when I was seven years old that I had to study something that had to do with Eastern languages and cultures. I have never even thought of doing anything else”

وفي ربيعها الخامس عشر، تخلت عن دروس البيانو لتتفرغ لتعلم العربية. وحصلت على الدكتوراه في اللغات الإسلامية وحضاراتها لما كان عمره 19 عاما فقط، ونالت درجة الأستاذية في الدراسات الإسلامية والعربية لما كان عمرها 23 عاما.

هذه بعض من مواقفها الطريفة التر مرة بها

Professor Schimmel relates a story about when her mother was in the hospital - she says that while her mother was resting, she would use the time to compile her translation of these supplications. She adds that on the bed next to her mother’s was a devout Catholic woman, slightly fanatic. The woman turned to Professor Schimmel saying: “Is it that in Christianity and the Holy Bible there is something missing that you turn to Islamic supplications?”

Professor Schimmel continues that when my book was finished, I sent her a copy and she wrote back replying that she thoroughly enjoyed the book, stating: “Truly, the translation of this book, ‘Sahifah Sajadieh’ of Imam Zaynul-Abideen (AS) is important for many Western people and I read it everyday.

In another interview concerning Imam Khomeini’s (RA) fatwa against Salman Rushdie, said: “Naturally, I am not going to take sides in this issue. But it must not be forgotten that Rushdie has hurt the religious feelings of millions of Muslims. I also want to explain that attacking Prophets (AS) has always been considered a great sin throughout history.

“Once when I was standing in front of a Masjid (Mosque) in Turkey,I was reading the Ayats (Verses) of the Qur’an, the Turks were surprised and asked me if I could read Arabic. O Allah! It is so very unfortunate

حصري لمنتديات محافظة البريمي-قسم اللغات
التعديل الأخير:


¬°•| مشرفة سابقة |•°¬
28 يوليو 2012
Valuable information .. This is the first time I hear this Orientalist .. Wonderful subject indeed thank you for this creativity