Reaction score

مشاركات الملف الشخصي آخر نشاط المنشورات حول

  • Dear sis, I read your topic ' How will you feel when you lost loved ones'

    It was fantastic and reveals a very promising potential
    I'd like to have you once again in Language Section and demonstrate the ability of writing

    There are people beside me who'd love to read yours

    The section is burning with you guys around
    So I am waiting for your return
    We aim to beat other sections and top them both in quality and quantity
    I do not know how to reach you except here
    Take care
    ـالسلآم عليكم و رحمة الله و بركآته ..

    حيآكم الله فمنتدآنآ ..
    و أهلآ بكم بين أخوآنكم و خوآتكم ..
    أتمنى لكم قضآء أمتع الأوقآت و أطيبهآ ..

    إحترآمي لكم ،،
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