1.Have you ever dealt with OTE group(purchasing car)? No
2.How was the customer service?-
3.Do you faced any problem later? -
4.How you select your car ?what are the factors?
:cm: in future i will
Do you think customer service should be better? How...
1.Have you ever dealt with OTE group(purchasing car)? No
2.How was the customer service?-
3.Do you faced any problem later? -
4.How you select your car ?what are the factors?
:cm: in future i will
Do you think customer service should be better? How...
أشاعه من قال !!
مكتوب فجوازنا
يرجو وزير الخارجيه جميع من لهم علاقه بهذا الشأن ان يسمحوالحامل هذا الجواز بحرية المرور بلا تاخير أو عائق وان يبذلوا له كل مساعدة او حماية قد يحتاج اليها)
عاش جوازنا العماني :angel: